Corona legde Denemarken op 11 maart 2020 stil


Telefonpasning og kundeservice til virksomheder som kun ønsker det bedste.
In de dagen nadat de Deense regering de sluiting van Denemarken op 11 maart 2020 aankondigde, zagen we een stijging van meer dan 100% bij NordicCalls Klinikservice, voornamelijk op het gebied van tandartsen, fysiotherapeuten en andere zorgverleners. Op het moment dat donderdagochtend de telefoons opengingen, belden patiënten een volume op dat we nog nooit eerder hadden gezien met vragen, annuleringen en het verzetten van afspraken waar patiënten hulp bij wilden hebben. Waar ook in onze andere afdelingen bij NordicCall, dat zich bezighoudt met klantenservice en telefonische assistentie voor alle andere beroepen, er een lichte toename was van ongeveer 15-20% in oproepen vergeleken met normaal – wat vooral te wijten was aan het feit dat veel werknemers begonnen te werken vanaf huis, en veel bedrijven moesten gewoon de technische dingen op hun plek krijgen. Daarom was het voor onze klanten ook een enorm voordeel dat wanneer tot 100% van de medewerkers via thuiswerkplekken naar huis en werk moesten, die ook gewoon moesten staan, ze ons konden gebruiken en daardoor merkten hun klanten geen verschil of wachttijden ondanks zakelijke uitdagingen als gevolg van de sluiting. [Table] OF CONTENTS HIDE []
    1. We must say that Denmark closed:
    1. Will we have to send people home?
    1. Adaptation at record speed

We moeten zeggen dat Denemarken gesloten is:

Thursday, Friday and the weekend in week 10 went the same way, it was incredibly busy at our KlinikService, and we have subsequently been able to see that week 10 has been our absolute busiest week this year. We had expected that week 11 would be somewhat quieter, based on the inquiries we experienced in week 10, but when we opened the phones on Monday 16 March 2020, it was certainly no quieter than the week before, which was completely quiet ! We have subsequently been able to see that the number of calls actually dropped by over 95% from one week to the next. We are all in the same boat in this crisis, and yet we do not all experience it quite the same. For us it was a completely indescribable experience – to see a horde of secretaries sitting and looking at each other while the phones were completely silent, to a degree that we have never seen before, not even when any of the major phone providers have been down, which we saw it May 2019. Monday in particular is one of the really busy days at Klinikservice, where it is not unusual to see over 100 patients call in within the first 20 minutes of the day. Things did not get much better in the department when the Dentists announced on Tuesday 17 March that they would close all Dental Clinics in Denmark for 3 months – 3 whole months.

Will we have to send people home?

Hoewel onze klanten binnen de Klantenservice, Telefoonbeantwoording, Live-Chat en Schriftelijke Ondersteuning in meer dan 50 verschillende branches zitten, was het natuurlijk een overweging dat we ons in deze onbekende situatie uit de gereedschapskist moesten terugtrekken. In the coming days, our secretarial teams at Klinikservice were adapted to the reality as it was now, while we worked on the process, then our Customer Service and Telephone Answering department in particular reported back that they were finding it more and more difficult to keep up with the pressure that had come on their department. Our Customer Service department handles calls for a great many types of companies, but in particular a branch of Webshop and online shopping, really started to boom out of it. It was also a very special sight here, where we saw customers who had many hundreds of percent more calls than they typically have at this time of the year – we are not talking about Easter, Black Friday, Christmas shopping or one of the other big trading days.

Adaptation at record speed

Within Telephone Answering and Customer Service, we need to have free resources, so that even when our customers have incidents that cause their call volume to suddenly increase by hundreds of percent from one day to the next, we can still ensure a quick response time to their customers. Good customer service is not something that belongs particularly to either our customer service or clinic service department, but a culture that all our employees are characterized by, therefore it was also obvious to move all our overcapacity of employees from clinic service to our customer service department. Our system of ongoing employee training and our IT system made this transfer quick and easy. Although our Klinikservice employees have enormous know-how within the healthcare field in particular, all of our employees sometimes experience being moved to another department for a shorter period of time each year, precisely to ensure that no matter what happens, we can always quickly find one or more employees who can step in. Our education and training system means that our employees are constantly kept updated about the other departments. Our IT system coupled with our extensive experience with Telephone Answering and Customer Service means that we have a sharp management of our ongoing training, so that the more complex customers and calls go to the experienced employees, while the employees from other departments are assigned the less complex calls.
Foto van admin@nordiccall

Vi hjælper virksomheder med at styrke deres kundeservice ved at levere skræddersyede løsninger, der forbedrer kundeoplevelsen. Gennem innovative strategier og teknologi sikrer vi, at dine kunder får den bedste service hver gang.